Should you drain down before going on a long holiday or leaving a property empty pending a sale?

When leaving your property unoccupied for a long period of time you may wish to drain down, particularly if the property will be empty during colder months.

Should you drain down before going on a long holiday or leaving a property empty pending a sale?

When leaving your property unoccupied for a long period of time you may wish to drain down, particularly if the property will be empty during colder months.

What does drain down actually mean?

Drain down means stopping the property’s water supply at the stopcock and draining out all of the excess water sat in the systems so that the pipes in the property are empty.

What is the benefit of draining down the system?

By draining down the property before leaving it empty, you can ensure there will be no burst pipes whilst you are away. This is particularly relevant in colder months when water in the pipes can be at risk of freezing, expanding and splitting pipes leaking water into the property until detected. During just a single day, thousands of litres can leak from a burst pipe and consequently cause a great deal of internal damage to fittings and fixtures.

What are the disadvantages of draining down the system?

Whilst draining down can avoid potential burst pipes it can also leave a property susceptible to cold temperatures, particularly if left empty over the winter months, which may lead to problems with damp, mildew and mould. Keeping a property above 12 degrees and with ventilation should keep such damage problems at bay.

Some heating systems can operate with an isolated water supply which may enable you to leave a low level of heating on in the property. We would recommend seeking advice from a qualified heating engineer to confirm if your system has this capability. Alternatively you may wish to consider other heating options such as oil filled radiators with timers and thermostats.

The importance of regular inspections

Once you have left the property it is advisable to make regular visits to it. If you are unable to do this yourself consider asking a friend, family member or a professional agency. Regular inspections will ensure any problems are detected sooner rather than later.

Returning to the property

If you are planning to return to the property, we would recommend consulting a specialist to re-fill and re-commission the water and heating systems a few weeks before your moving date ensuring you and your family experience no additional upheaval should any repairs be required before use.

Need some expert advice?

If you require expert advice around leaving a property empty contact specialists Westone Housing on 01733 320500 or visit www.westone.uk.com